Migrating has changed me as a person, even though my values are still the same, the way I used to see the world and how I interact with people is different.

Paulina Cruz

¿A dónde voy?

This painting is based on my emotions and thoughts related to my migration to Canada.
The colour black represents depression, anguish and uncertainty. 
The colour yellow represents joy, good times, new experiences and people who brighten my life. The colour blue is symbolizing a sea full of tears.
Red, symbolizes a ship that sails every day in a sea that does not know if it has an end. The ship is me. The purple colour means the feeling of missing, missing lifelong friendships. Pink represents resilience, a process of adaptation. Pink is a color that stands out a lot since it is a very live process in my present. The two brown dots at the top are my two puppies, Dante & Chuli. The colors are very vivid as all emotions are very strong at this point in my life.This is my painting, this is my story, and this is me.